In poche parole: il progetto ha visto nascere un fork che ha generato The Document Foundation:
"From now on, the community will be known as "The Document Foundation" "
Dal loro comunicato stampa (che potete leggere qui o scaricare in pdf qui):
"The community of volunteers who develop and promote, the leading free office software, announce a major change in the project’s structure. After ten years’ successful growth with Sun Microsystems as founding and principal sponsor, the project launches an independent foundation called "The Document Foundation", to fulfil the promise of independence written in the original charter".
Uno dei fondatori, Sophie Gautier, afferma che:
"We believe that the Foundation is a key step for the evolution of the free office suite, as it liberates the development of the code and the evolution of the project from the constraints represented by the commercial interests of a single company [Oracle, NdR]. Free software advocates around the world have the extraordinary opportunity of joining the group of founding members today, to write a completely new chapter in the history of FLOSS".
Non è quindi sorprendente che il nume tutelare del Free Software, Richard Stallman, si lasci andare ad un pieno endorsement dell'iniziativa:
"I'm very pleased that the Document Foundation will not recommend nonfree add-ons, since they are the main freedom problem of the current I hope that the LibreOffice developers and the Oracle-employed developers of OpenOffice will be able to cooperate on development of the body of the code".
Così come non pesa certo meno l'approvazione e la dichiarazione d'intenti di Mark Shuttleworth, patron di Canonical e di Ubuntu, una delle distro GNU-Linux tra le più diffuse:
"Office productivity software is a critical component of the free software desktop, and the Ubuntu Project will be pleased to ship LibreOffice from The Document Foundation in future releases of Ubuntu. The Document Foundation's stewardship of LibreOffice provides Ubuntu developers an effective forum for collaboration around the code that makes Ubuntu an effective solution for the desktop in office environments".
Insomma, la mission è più che nobile:
"Our mission is to facilitate the evolution of the Community into a new open, independent, and meritocratic organizational structure within the next few months. An independent Foundation is a better match to the values of our contributors, users, and supporters, and will enable a more effective, efficient, transparent, and inclusive Community. We will protect past investments by building on the solid achievements of our first decade, encourage wide participation in the Community, and co-ordinate activity across the Community"
ed il prodotto è già disponibile, in beta, per Windows, GNU-Linux/32bit, GNU-Linux/64bit, MacOS X, e come codice sorgente, ovviamente! :)
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