Dopo il rilascio di Ubuntu 11.04 - nome in codice: "Natty Narwahl" - il fondatore di Canonical Ltd. e patron di Ubuntu, Mark Shuttleworth, parla dal suo blog.
Premesso che non ho ancora avuto occasione né di aggiornare alla versione 11.04, nè tantomeno di saggiare le decantate nonvità e meraviglie della nuova interfaccia utente denominata "Unity", alcuni passaggi del post di Shuttleworth mi hanno, come al solito, colpito:
"Users first, on free software. That has always been our mission"
"[...] in my view the future of free software is no longer just about inner beauty (architecture, performance, efficiency) it’s also about usability and style"
"In the design of Unity we chose to be both humble and bold. Humble, because we have borrowed consciously from the work of other successful platforms, like Windows and MacOS. We borrowed what worked best, but then we took advantage of the fact that we are unconstrained by legacy and can innovate faster than they can, and took some bold leaps forward"
"Ubuntu’s killer feature remains that community. The spirit of Ubuntu is about understanding that the measure of our own lives is in the way we improve the lives of others. Ubuntu has both economic and human dimensions: it’s unique, in my view, in bringing those together in a way which enables them to support one another"
"By welcoming all participants, and finding ways to accommodate and celebrate their differences rather than using them as grounds for divisiveness, we make something that’s bigger than all our individual dreams"
Hasta luego.
[Photo credits | photo by G. M. (The royal natural history vol. 3) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons]
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